Friday, April 29, 2011

Gimp Car Editing Assignment

For this assignment we had a to edit a car on GIMP.  We had an original photo that we had to edit, we had to try and make it look like the demo car that someone else had edited previously.

 What I learned from this assignment is how to better navigate and use GIMP picture editing.  Also how to make my pictures look nicer by removing imperfections on my photographs.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo Assignment 1 - People

 For our first photo assignment we got to pick what kinda of pictures we wanted to take.  We could have chosen from many options, I chose to do people as my subject.

 For this photo I took a picture of my younger brother playing a video game on our PS2. The only photo editing I did on this picture is changing the color to black and white. The hardest part about taking this picture us that he kept moving around and making the photo turn out fuzzy.

 ISO = 800
Aperture = f/3.5
Exposure = 1/15 sec

What I learned from this assignment is how to time when I take a picture to get the photo I want in that specific moment.  Also what exposure and shutter speed to have ready when the person is doing a certain activity or move.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gimp Pop Art Assignment 1

For this assignment we had to take a picture of ourselves on photo booth.  We then used the Gimp program to modify and edit our pictures, then put them together to create a multicolor collage of ourselves.

We learned in this assignment how to use Gimp and the editing tools on there to enhance our photos.

What I liked about this is that we got to edit our photos and tryout new ways to make our photos better looking and more interesting.  It also helps you to make your photos more unique.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Assignment Description:
The assignment we had to do was to take pictures of different aspects composition.  For example, rule of thirds, symmetry, perspective, etc.  We took these photos of different parts of our high school, and also the grounds surrounding it.  

Photo Description:
Balance= Shoes
Perspective= Underside of Staircase
Pattern= Lunch Tables
Depth of Field= Lake
Rule of Thirds= Stop Sign
Color= Red Band
Framing= Girls Face
Space= Girl on Wall
Texture= Tree
Symmetry= Stacked Chairs
Lines= Staircase

What I learned:
What I leaned from this assignment was how to better take photo overall.  Also, how to set up and find the images that I would like to capture.